UX Web Design Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Business

This guide discusses common web design mistakes, including inefficient communication and user interface design, ineffective calls-to-action (CTAs), overcrowded layouts, ignoring usability and accessibility, and neglecting SEO. By avoiding these pitfalls and embracing user-centered, responsive designs, you can create an effective, engaging website that enhances user experience and drives business success.

Written by:
Jul 26, 2023
Last Update:
Oct 15, 2023
5 mins read


Within the ever-evolving digital landscape, your website serves as your interactive storefront — a dynamic touchpoint that introduces potential customers to your brand. This interactive space's user interface design, the linchpin of effective interaction design, is crucial for meaningful customer interactions. Therefore, prioritizing visual appeal, sound usability, and an intuitive interface in the web design process is key to ensuring effective communication with your customers. However, numerous common web design mistakes often slip past even the most attentive web designers, subtly detracting from your website's overall design and user experience.

As technology relentlessly evolves and online competition burgeons, the need for standout web designs that capture and engage users is more pressing than ever. Hence, we bring you this ultimate guide, where we delve deeper into five key web design errors to avoid and discuss actionable strategies to ensure your website leaves a lasting, positive impression on your target audience.

Mistake 1: Inefficient Communication and User Interface Design

The fundamental purpose of designing websites is to offer valuable information and guide users towards specific actions, a concept encapsulated by the interaction design or UI design foundation. This cornerstone of design emphasizes the relationship between the user and the system, where one subtle yet significant aspect is the ease of navigation. If your site visitors grapple with navigation or are left scratching their heads over your site's purpose, they're likely to abandon your web page in search of a more user-friendly alternative, regardless of whether they're on a desktop or mobile app.

Good web design adheres to an iterative process, continually refining and testing until an optimum user experience is achieved. It's therefore good practice to conduct user testing or accumulate feedback from colleagues and users to ensure your user interface design is intuitive and straightforward. An organized information architecture, crucial to successful user interface design, can also assist visitors in seamlessly navigating your web pages. When your company website communicates effectively, users are more likely to stay and explore different aspects of your offerings, thus increasing the chance of conversion.

Mistake 2: Ineffectual Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Within the broad sphere of web design, an impactful Call-to-Action (CTA) is pivotal for directing site visitors towards your desired actions, such as purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or making an enquiry. However, web designers quickly realized that weak or poorly placed CTAs often result in lost opportunities to convert potential customers.

Personalization of CTAs is a strategy supported by research from the Interaction Design Foundation and the Nielsen Norman Group. Co-founded by Don Norman, a prominent figure in the domain of human-computer interaction, the Nielsen Norman Group has conducted extensive studies on UX design. One of their significant findings is the impact of personalization on the effectiveness of CTAs. For instance, if a user is browsing a product blog post, offering a CTA related to that particular product can drastically improve conversion rates.

Mistake 3: Overcrowded Layout

In the era of information overload, web designs featuring minimalistic design elements stand out. Embrace the power of white space — a fundamental aspect of visual design — to create a clean, visually appealing web design that draws focus to the most important elements of your web page. An overcrowded layout often leads to a confusing user interface, detracting from the user experience design and hindering effective communication.

Images can be powerful tools that enhance the UX design when used sparingly and purposefully. For instance, RSS feeds can be utilized to integrate dynamic content, keeping your website fresh and engaging without overwhelming the visitor. Additionally, always optimize images for web loading speeds to ensure a quick, responsive website, irrespective of the user's screen size.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Usability and Accessibility

Many web designers focus intensely on the visual design elements of a website, but often overlook the importance of usability and accessibility in their web design. This oversight can lead to beautiful, but ultimately unproductive, websites. For example, your website or web apps should function well on all browsers, including Internet Explorer, which still retains a sizeable market share.

Moreover, web designers should construct websites with responsive design principles in mind. This ensures that the site adapts to different screen sizes, providing an optimal browsing experience regardless of device. A mobile-first approach often proves beneficial, as many users access websites from their mobile devices more frequently than desktop computers.

Mistake 5: Neglecting Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines like Google play a crucial role in driving traffic to websites. Web designers who neglect to incorporate SEO practices into their design process may inadvertently hamstring the site’s visibility in search engine results, limiting the number of site visitors and potential conversions. Every aspect of your web design, from the layout of your pages to the alt text in your images, can impact your SEO performance and, ultimately, your website's accessibility to your target audience.


Avoiding these common web design mistakes is the first step towards creating a user-friendly, effective website that drives you towards your business or company goals. The importance of regular evaluations of your website's performance and feedback from users cannot be overstated. Continuous improvements and adaptations, based on this feedback, ensure that your website remains relevant and engaging.

Remember, in today's dynamic digital landscape, the key to staying ahead lies not just in aesthetic appeal or interface design, but in a user-centered design approach that adheres to an iterative process. The ultimate goal is to create a cohesive and intuitive user experience that guides visitors effortlessly from their first interaction to the desired conversion.

In the realm of web design, achieving this goal often involves a delicate balance of visual design, user interface design, and interaction design principles. By keeping abreast of the latest developments in these fields, such as the findings of leading institutions like the Interaction Design Foundation and the Nielsen Norman Group, you can continue to refine your web design practices and maintain a competitive edge in the online space.

If your business is looking for a UI UX design agency to help boost your business, please contact us.

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About our author

photo of David Yap
Written by
David Yap

David is the founder of Zensite, a product design agency based in Singapore. Since 2016, David have been involved in many UI UX related topics covering user experience, product design, digital experience and also founded Friends of Figma, a Figma Community in Malaysia.

photo of Fay Mira
Reviewed by
Fay Mira

Fay Mira is an MD with digital health experience and expertise in UI/UX based in Malaysia. With her experience working with a health tech company, she is currently the experience designer in Zensite since 2016.


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