Top UX Design Course in 2023 | Zensite Recommendation

We've compiled a list of the top 5 UX design courses recommended by leading agencies to help you stay ahead in 2023.

Written by:
Joshua Yap
Mar 20, 2023
Last Update:
Sep 1, 2023
5 mins read

The top UX design course in 2023 are:

  1. Interaction Design Foundation: Affordable yet well-established
  2. Careerfoundry: Mentorship and real-world projects
  3. Udemy: Wide variety, affordable, and independent instructors
  4. General Assembly: Industry connection and active community
  5. Springboard: 1:1 mentorship and career coaching

That's why in this article, we've compiled a list of the top 5 UX design courses recommended by leading agencies to help you stay ahead in 2023 and avoid common bad ux design.

What's unique about this article: we list 5 factors for each course we vetted for you.

Diagram shows 5 factors to pick your best UX design course

5 factors in picking your best UX design course

If you're new to the world of UX design: don't worry.

These courses will guide you through the UX design process, teach you essential UX design skills, and help you understand the importance of user testing and research.

For experienced UX designers?

These courses are a great way to learn more about UX design, learn new techniques, and stay on top of the latest trends.

From graphic design to UI and UX design, these courses cover a range of topics that are relevant to your work.

So, let's see which one could fit you best!

Introduction to UX Design Courses

UX courses can be so diverse.

To be honest, there are so many out there. So here are 5 factors we will use for our top 5 picks!

Factor to pick UX design course #1: level of the course

It's important to consider the level of the course.

Make sure you choose a course that is appropriate for your skill level.

Check whether you're a beginner just starting out in UX design or an experienced professional looking to further develop your skills.

Image shows confused students when they study UX design

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Another factor to consider is the UX design curriculum.

Look whether it covers all the necessary UX fundamentals, such as user testing, visual design, intuitive user interfaces, and user interface design.

A course that covers a wide range of topics can be beneficial in providing a well-rounded education in UX design.

Factor to pick UX design course #2: your focus

First, think about what specific areas of UX design you want to improve upon, such as user research, UI design, or usability testing.

If you're a beginner, you can pick a more general one.

Picture shows upskilling for UX career in your job search

Photo by Shuki Harel

A course that covers UX fundamentals, design processes, and human-computer interaction may be a better starting point.

But if you have a bit of experience in UX, there's no harm to go deep into areas you want to focus on.

Look for courses that focus on those areas and have instructors who are experts in them.

Factor to pick UX design course #3: format of the course

Choosing the right format for a UX design course is crucial, as it can affect how much you get out of the course.

Most of these courses are typically self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own pace and complete the course around your schedule.

Screenshot of self-paced design course
The information inside an online course. Credit: UXMastery

They often include video lectures, interactive quizzes, and projects to help you apply what you've learned.

You should also think about the level of interaction with instructors and other students.

Some online courses let students talk to their teachers through live webinars or office hours, while others only use content that has already been recorded.

Screenshot shows Discord as one of the platforms to make online course interactive

Some online courses would use Discord for discussion

Some courses offer community forums or social media groups where you can connect with other students, while others don't have any social features.

Finally, if you're looking to build a professional portfolio, then a course that offers opportunities to create and showcase your work can be a valuable asset.

Screenshot shows example of an online course with portfolios by students

Skillshare has a section for student's portfolios. This helps with your UX design career

Some courses provide assignments that you can use to build a portfolio, while others offer feedback on projects you've created independently.

Factor to pick UX design course #4: reviews of the course

Consider too the reputation and reviews of the course and the instructor.

One way to gauge this is to read reviews from previous students, as well as to check the reputation of the institution or organization offering the course.

You may want to reach out to alumni or other professionals in the industry to get their recommendations.

You can also look for industry recognition or awards, which can be a good sign of the quality of the course.

Screenshots of reviews of GeneralAssembly course

It's also worth considering the qualifications and experience of the instructors or facilitators of the course.

Look for courses taught by experienced UX professionals with a track record of success in the industry, for example, Don Norman, who is a big name in the UX industry.

This can help ensure that you receive valuable insights and guidance from seasoned experts in the field.

Factor to pick UX design course #5: pricing plans

Some courses can be quite expensive, but that doesn't always mean they're the best option for you.

You want to make sure you're getting the most value for your money, so it's important to do your research and compare pricing plans.

One thing to consider is whether the course offers a one-time payment or a subscription model.

A one-time payment may seem like a larger upfront cost, but it may end up being more affordable in the long run compared to a subscription model.

On the other hand, a subscription model can offer more flexibility and allow you to pay over time. This depends on your focus.

Screenshot of a course provider giving out scholarships to help students for online education

Springboard, for example, gives out a few scholarships to help students

It's also important to look at what's included in the pricing plan.

Does the course offer additional resources or support that you may need to pay extra for?

Make sure you understand exactly what you're paying for so you can make an informed decision.

Factor to pick UX design course: overall

A good UX design course covers all aspects of user experience, from research and analysis to design and testing.

You'll learn how to do user research and usability testing, create user personas, make wireframes and prototypes, and design user interfaces that are easy to use and fun to navigate.

Taking an online design course is an excellent way to improve your skills, learn new techniques, and stay competitive in the industry.

Let's take a look at the top five online UX courses for 2023.

Top 5 Online UX Design Courses for 2023

1. Interaction Design Foundation

The Interaction Design Foundation (IDF) is a non-profit organization that offers a wide range of UX design courses.

Picture shows IDF logo

Interaction Design Foundation

It is one of the most highly recommended online UX courses, and it helps students understand user-centered design in a complete and thorough way.

level of the course

IDF gives you a choice to focus on UX design, UI design, interaction design, or human-computer interaction for the course.

Screenshot shows IDF's many new courses

IDF's many UX courses you can choose from

This allows you to tailor the course to their specific needs and interests, making it a flexible option for those looking to develop their skills in a particular area.

Focus options of the course

The course is suitable for learners of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

They are the only UX course provider that we can say offer the most comprehensive courses: they have information architecture, visual design, and so many more.

So even though you may be a beginner, you can check out their advanced courses like some of our staff did.

FORMAT of the course

The format of the course is entirely online, providing students with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

IDF's courses are self-paced and include video lectures, case studies, and quizzes to help reinforce learning.

Screenshot of how IDF's online course UI looks like

Inside IDF course as a student. Credit: Christian Capuani

The IDF's courses are self-paced and include video lectures, quizzes, and assignments.

Screenshot of IDF's assignment page

A place where you're required to apply your learnings in IDF

They also offer a community forum where students can connect with other designers and discuss their thought processes.

Screenshot of IDF's community forum

Students in IDF discusses in the forum. Credit: Kachie Ibejih

Pricing plan for the course

IDF offers one type of of pricing plan which is yearly subscription only, which is only USD 99.

However, they offer different pricing if you're a student.

Screenshot of IDF's pricing plan

IDF's pricing info page

The pricing plans are affordable, making the course accessible to a wide range of learners.

What do we love about THIS UX Course?

What we love about this UX Course is the emphasis on practical, real-world applications of the concepts covered. The contents are so current and vast! You can see this yourself.

Screenshot of Don Norman's poster as one of great lectures in IDF

One of the many IDF masterclasses you can join at an almost 95% discount as an IDF student

IDF's courses provide learners with a solid foundation in UX fundamentals, as well as practical skills in areas such as visual design, usability testing, and prototyping.

IDF also has many lecture series you can attend for USD 1 and the topics are very industry-related.

What we Don't really love about THIS UX Course?

Limited support from instructors and lack of personalized feedback for assignments. If you love to have personal feedback, this one could not offer this for you.

2. CareerFoundry

CareerFoundry is an online school that offers a UI/UX course that covers the entire design process, from research to prototyping.

Image of Careerfoundry Homepage

Careerfoundry flaunts its graduate success on the front page

level of the course

The course gives in-depth training on user experience design, interaction design, and UI design skills, as well as a solid foundation in design thinking.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's course list on the Menu

CareerFoundry has segmented their courses to introductory and advanced

Their curriculum for UX design is up-to-date, relevant, and focused on the industry too.

This makes sure that students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the field.

Focus options of the course

The program is suitable for aspiring UX professionals who want to develop their skills and prepare for a UX design job.

But they also offer Advanced courses for intermediate-level learners.

FORMAT of the course

The online UX course from CareerFoundry is well-organized and has a flexible format that lets students learn at their own pace.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's UI inside the learners' page

A minimalist look of the e-learning page in CareerFoundry

The course is entirely online, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world.

You will also get one-on-one help from professionals with a lot of experience, and CareerFoundry has great career services to help you get ready for a career in UX design.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's mentoring session

Romina Jorge shared her experience with mentors in CareerFoundry

In addition to the core curriculum, you have weekly one-on-one mentoring sessions, reviews of your portfolio, and help finding a job.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's job placement assistance

Some real testimonials where the students are assisted with job search in CareerFoundry

Like IDF, their course is self-paced too, and includes video lectures, exercises, and projects.

Pricing plan for the course

CareerFoundry offers several pricing plans for their course, ranging from a monthly payment to a full payment option.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's pricing plan

The pricing for one of the courses and programs inside CareerFoundry

One thing is the pricing is not fixed. This depends on what type of courses you want to enroll in. So, make sure you compare wisely and according to your level.

Their pricing is also quite competitive, but this reflect on how personalized it would be for you.

What do we love about THIS UX Course?

One thing we love about this UX course is the focus on real-world, practical projects and the chance to be mentored 1:1.

They even have job guarantee, if you fit their eligibility.

Screenshot of Careerfoundry's page showing about job guarantee

Job Guarantee by CareerFoundry (with conditions to fulfill)

What we Don't really love about THIS UX Course?

The courses can be expensive, and the mentorship component can be hit or miss.

3. Udemy

Udemy is not new in online courses.

Udemy is an online platform for learning that has many UX courses for both beginners and experts.

Screesnshot of Udemy and its founder

Eren Bali, the co-founder of Udemy

level of the course

The courses on Udemy range from beginner to advanced, and they are good for people who want to learn new UX skills or improve the ones they already have with flexibility and freedom to choose.

Screenshot of Udemy's many courses inside

Udemy's courses are democratic. You can decide on your own

Focus options of the course

You can choose from different focus options, such as UX writing, UI design skills, UX portfolio development, and so many more.

FORMAT of the course

The format of Udemy's courses is entirely online, which allows learners to study at their own pace and convenience.

Screenshot of Udemy's UI for the learners

Interface inside Udemy's course once you enrolled

Like the other 2 online courses, Udemy also has courses with video lectures and some quizzes or assignments.

However, this depends on the instructors to do them. Some may not have quizzes or assignments.

Pricing plan for the course

Udemy's pricing plan for UX courses is flexible, and learners can choose from free courses or paid courses that range in price from $10 to $200.

Screenshot of Udemy's example of pricing

More than 600 courses you can choose on Udemy with different pricing

The paid courses come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, which gives learners peace of mind that they can get their money back if they are not satisfied with the course.

What do we love about THIS UX Course?

What we love about Udemy's courses is that you have so many options to pick your own course, with your own instructors that would suit you.

What we Don't really love about THIS UX Course?

The quality of courses can vary widely, and it can be difficult to identify the best courses among the many available options.

Screenshot of Udemy's negative reviews on certain courses

Udemy's negative reviews on certain courses

4. General Assembly

General Assembly is like CareerFoundry, but it's more localized.

Poster of General Assembly UX design courses

They even have in-person learning in so many countries now!

They are known for their unique scholarship or zero-payment policies when they started many years ago. Now this concept may change a bit but they still have some scholarships to help students.

Screenshot of General Assembly's scholarship with Career Climb

One of the many scholarships GeneralAssembly offered

level of the course

The course is designed for students of all levels, from beginners to those with some experience.

Focus options of the course

General Assembly's UX course has a 2 types of tracks: part time or full time tracks.

This is due to the live classes they offer, unlike Udemy, IDF, and CareerFoundry.

Screenshot of General Assembly's full or part time mode to become UX designers

They also have Flex Immersive mode with longer weeks but still a flexible schedule

FORMAT of the course

The format of General Assembly's UX design course is a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and real-world projects.

Screenshot of General Assembly's example of project

Student's Gallery in GeneralAssembly to showcase their digital design

This allows you to get a solid foundation in UX design theory and apply it to practical, real-world situations.

Pricing plan for the course

Pricing plans for General Assembly's UX design course vary based on the format and duration of the course.

Screenshot of General Assembly's pricing information based on research

GeneralAssembly does not share the pricing for their courses but it ranges from $950 up to $15000. Credit: BootcampRankings

To inquire about the tuition fee, you may need to message them personally to know.

What do we love about THIS UX Course?

What we love about General Assembly's UX design course is its uniqueness in terms of the class schedule. As we know self-paced courses sometimes lead to dropouts, this is kind of a good strategy.

What we Don't really love about THIS UX Course?

The curriculum can feel overwhelming for beginners, and the price tag is high compared to some other options.

5. Springboard

Springboard's UX Academy is a bootcamp provider that offers a great UX design course.

Unlike IDF which focuses solely on UX education, Springboard offers a wider selection to upskill in tech.

Another is to enroll in Springboard's bootcamps, you need to apply to get in, which unlike others.

Screenshot of Springboard's Homepage

Springboard's Home page

level of the course

The course is perfect for those who want to learn UX design and launch a new career or upgrade their existing UX skills.

Screenshot of Springboard's learners' page

Inside Springboard courses

Their course is perfect for those looking to learn UX skills from scratch or level up their current skills in a shorter time.

Focus options of the course

The focus of the UX bootcamp in Springboard is holistic. They include UI design, UX research, a chance to create a professional UX portfolio, and up until job guarantee.

FORMAT of the course

Their mode is bootcamp: this means it's a more intensive online program.

But despite the shorter mode, they still offer career coaching, 1:1 mentorship, design sprint, and projects for you to do.

Screenshot of Springboard's career coaching program

Springboard's career coaching program

Pricing plan for the course

The pricing plan for the course is also reasonable and offers value for money.

Screenshot of Springboard's pricing page

Springboard's pricing plans offer 4 types of payments

What do we love about THIS UX Course?

We love that they offer bootcamps - these are shorter and more intense. You can finish faster and hence, get into the jobs you wanted in a shorter time.

You also can choose your own payment mode as they have 4 payment plans.

What we Don't really love about THIS UX Course?

The course material can be too theoretical and not always practical, and the pricing can be steep for some, for a bootcamp.

Benefits of taking an online UX Design Course

Taking an online UX design course has several benefits, including:

1. Flexibility

Online courses offer flexibility, allowing you to learn from anywhere in the world, at your own pace.

This is particularly beneficial if you work full-time or have other commitments.

You can then learn UX design at your own pace, from anywhere with an internet connection, and can complete assignments and projects around your schedule.

2. Industry-Relevant Skills

In the era of ChatGPT, to be industry-relevant is totally a must!

Image shows how AI can develop UI for web design from a napkin

Most latest updates where AI can help you with web design from just your napkin

This ensures that you stay competitive in the industry and have the skills that employers are looking for.

All these top UX design courses cover vast topics that suit what the real industry needs.

For those courses with final projects, that is also great for you - you can showcase your new skills, which is attractive to employers.

3. Networking Opportunities

Best UX courses offer networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with other designers and share your work.

This can lead to job opportunities and collaborations in the future.

You have a chance to collaborate, share ideas, and get feedback on your designs and thought processes too.

4. Cost-Effective

Online UX design courses are often more cost-effective than in-person courses, making them accessible to a wider range of people.

Compared to traditional classroom-based courses, online courses are often less expensive and offer more flexibility in terms of payment plans.

This makes them accessible to individuals from all professional backgrounds who want to learn UX design.

Conclusion & Final Thoughts

Taking an online UX design course is an excellent way to improve your skills, learn new techniques, and stay competitive in the industry.

The top 5 UX design courses for 2023 are the Interaction Design Foundation, CareerFoundry, Udemy, General Assembly, and Springboard.

When choosing a course, consider the course content, cost, time commitment, and reviews.

Remember that learning UX design is a continuous process.

It's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques to thrive in the industry.

I hope this article has been helpful in choosing the right UX design course for you.

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About our author

photo of David Yap
Written by
David Yap

David is the founder of Zensite, a product design agency based in Singapore. Since 2016, David have been involved in many UI UX related topics covering user experience, product design, digital experience and also founded Friends of Figma, a Figma Community in Malaysia.

photo of Fay Mira
Reviewed by
Fay Mira

Fay Mira is an MD with digital health experience and expertise in UI/UX based in Malaysia. With her experience working with a health tech company, she is currently the experience designer in Zensite since 2016.


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